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Pay Per Call App

Ways to Generate More Customer Calls for Your Business: The [2020] Edition

Research shows that approximately 92% of all customer interactions happen over the phone, making it one of the best ways to connect with potential leads, given that only 24% of sales emails are opened.

Unlike other sources of traffic, someone who picks up their phone to call your business sends a strong signal that they are already engaged with your company and willing to purchase from you.

However, phone calls don’t just happen. You will need to come up with an elaborate plan of action that actually drives inbound calls.

Now, that is not an easy thing to accomplish.

Hand holding smartphone with smartphone on background

In fact, generating a phone call requires much more effort than driving someone to your business website. You need to spend a significant amount of time trying to understand what engages your target audience and what inspires them to move from intent to action.

To help you get started with your pay per call app, we saw it good to gather some of the best ways you can use to generate more inbound calls. So, let us get started.

1. Create phone-focused calls-to-action

To generate more phone calls, you need to tell people to call you, right? Although this might sound like one of the simplest things to do, shifting your focus from click-focused CTAs to phone-focused CTAs can be quite difficult.

You need to train yourself on how to move away from texts such as “Click here to learn more” and “Contact us online” to texts such as “Call us today for more information.”

To make the transition smooth, always remind yourself and your entire marketing team that calls are more likely to convert into sales than clicks.

Make everybody understand that phone call leads come from prospects that are already further down the sales funnel compared to leads from other sources of traffic. Technically, it means that these people are worth more and are likely going to convert faster.

2. Display your phone number everywhere

While this might sound obvious, a shocking number of businesses make prospects dig around to find their business phone number.

To make things easy for people who want to call your business, make sure you update your local listing, all directories, and make your phone number a prominent feature on your home page and contact us page.

You should also place your phone number in the meta description of your business site, so it is picked up by Google crawlers. This will ensure the phone number is displayed in search engine results hence enabling prospects to pick it up and call you even without visiting your website.

In a nutshell, you cannot generate calls if people can’t find your business phone number easily.

3. Implement click-to-call buttons for mobile devices

Listing your phone number everywhere is a great way to encourage potential customers to contact your business via phone. However, you need to make the process a little bit easier for them.

Implementing hyperlinked click-to-call buttons on your website is one of the best ways you can use to simplify the process for your site visitors.

Consider adding a click-to-call button on the sidebar of your site such that when someone clicks on the button, it opens the phone app on their device with your phone number already dialed, and all they have to do is initiate the call.

4. Get a more memorable phone number

This one is straightforward and simple to understand.

Basically, if prospective clients cannot remember how to reach you, then inbound calls and potential sales could be slipping away from you. The truth is that there is no more affordable and easy way to increase your inbound calls volume than making your phone number easy to remember.

112 emergency concept. Wooden dices with phone icon and 112 text

Consider buying or licensing a custom number that will make it easy for your prospective clients. Something as simple as having a phone number with a memorable sequence, word, or similar digits can increase your inbound calls volume tremendously.

5. Track your calls for strategy adjustments

To get a high ROI from your call-focused campaigns, it is essential to know the data behind the calls. Fortunately, there are lots of call tracking tools out there that can help you to accomplish this goal. Just make sure you pick one that seems the best fit for your business.

Whether you are running your internal call-focused campaigns or rely on a pay per call app to generate calls, make sure you understand which strategies are working and which ones aren’t. Call tracking technology will also help you separate different call channels and review results from each.

Make use of the data to assign a dollar value to every call to help you make an informed decision on where to spend your marketing budget more. Keep in mind that in the world of marketing, there is no substitute for data-driven decisions.

The takeaway

Even as you embrace new ways to get customers to call your business, you need to keep in mind that the process is never easier. Sometimes, what begins as a simple marketing function might quickly turn into a multi-faceted digital marketing strategy for your business, forcing you to seek help from business call experts.

At PALO, we believe in the power of business calls, and that is why we always strive to get our clients a consistent flow of highly qualified phone calls to their businesses. You, too, can join our growing list of happy clients. Contact us today to get started.