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Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Understanding the Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Pay-per-call advertising is evolving rapidly. More people are implementing advanced technology in all digital facets thanks to massive innovations in artificial intelligence (AI).

Voice search is one of the innovations that has had tremendous impact on marketing industry. The technology is changing how users conduct online searches and is expected to take over text-based searches in the future.

The thing is, this feature offers marketers an unparalleled opportunity to boost their pay-per-call campaigns.

Since a potential customer is already using their phone to search, they are inclined to use the same phone to make a call that can earn you some commission.

If you are yet to optimize your pay-per-call campaigns for voice search, the time is now.

In this post we discuss the power of voice search and how it will influence the future of pay-per-call marketing. Read on to learn more.

What Is Voice Search?

Voice search refers to the act of browsing the internet using voice recognition technology. Every smart gadget has this technological innovation built in, and as a result, it has become part of many people’s daily life.

Today, people use voice search for various purposes, including:

  • Making calls
  • Writing and sending messages
  • Asking questions
  • Finding online shopping stores
  • Searching for images
  • Asking for directions

These are simple, regular tasks. But if you can accomplish them by simply asking your phone a one-sentence question, it becomes much easier than texting.

Who Is Using Voice Search?

So, what audiences use voice search?

A quick look at usage statistics by age group is startling. A U.S. study shows that voice search is currently used by individuals aged between:

  • 18-29 (71%)
  • 32-42 (59%) and
  • 44-53 (39%)

Teenagers adopt new trends faster, so it is not surprising that they use this technology. However, the percentage of middle-aged adults using voice search is shocking. That suggests that the usability of this technology is increasing.

How Voice Search is Changing the Digital Marketing Landscape

Like most AI innovations, digital marketing and pay-per-call tactics will always change to integrate new developments. Voice search, a potent and fast-moving trend, is no exception. Here are some of the ways through which voice search is changing digital marketing operations.

Driving increased searches

Voice search is lowering response time, increasing the number of searches per user. It takes less time than when using a basic textual-based search.

Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

With voice search, users can surf the internet without opening a browser and fixing typing mistakes.

Encourage marketers to generate better content

With voice search dominating the market, traditional long-tail content is being phased out by short, engaging articles.

Content writers must switch to these new formats to stay updated with current trends and sustain better page ranking.

Driving call-only campaigns

Your site should have contact information such as addresses and phone numbers.

People are increasingly searching for contact details online using voice search, meaning your website will be left out if it fails to provide what the voice assistant is seeking.

Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Voice search is also increasing the use of call-only campaigns. You will likely achieve better traffic results and possible conversions by enabling your call-only campaign.

You can achieve this by ensuring your campaign ad is voice search optimized.

Demands mobile-friendliness

Voice search technology is compelling marketers to become mobile-friendly. If your site loads slowly or is not mobile-optimized, users who land on your page will leave immediately, and voice assistants will notice this too.

Optimizing Your Pay-Per-Call Campaign for Voice Search

To optimize your pay-per-call campaign, you must think like a user searching by voice. Here are some of the things to do:

Focus on long-tail keywords

Voice search and text search are quite different. Users who prefer typing avoid long questions to get what they want. On the contrary, voice search users use longer phrases, also known as long-tail keywords.

You must understand how people speak if you want to predict long-tail keywords. They want answers as quickly as they would have if they consulted an intelligent friend.

Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Natural spoken language is the best for targeting long-tail keywords that voice search users are inclined to utilize.

Hint: Q&A material can make long-tail keywords appear naturally.

Quora,,, and Google’s autocomplete function are some of the keyword research tools you can consider for your long-tail keywords for your voice searches.

Optimize mobile

Voice search is primarily used on mobile sites. For this reason, your pay-per-call campaign should be centered on an optimized mobile platform.

Ensure your mobile site is easy to navigate. Also, make content on your mobile site easily scannable because mobile users are quick and avoid scrolling through lengthy articles on their phones. So, optimize your content as needed.

Include local listings

If you are marketing a pay-per-call campaign, you must include marketing voice searches on local listings. Simple phrases like “near me” can drive traffic toward your content.

Still, it would be best if you made your keywords more specific.

For example, a large metropolitan area like Alaska might need to be segmented – “car repair in Sitka borough open late” could be more effective than “car repair in Alaska.”

Power of Voice Search in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

You must also update your Google Business Listing to exploit local voice searches. Ensure the hours, address, and other details are correct and up to date.

Remember, keywords only count when a user’s voice search leads to pay-per-call conversion.


Voice search still needs improvement, but it provides a better user experience than before. As the market adjusts to voice search, it is time to start optimizing your tactics and marketing campaigns to suit these innovations.

Update yourself with information to help you keep your pay-per-call campaigns well-targeted and successful.

Alternatively, talk to pay-per-call experts at PALO to help you scale and take your pay-per-call campaigns to the next level.