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Warm transfer

Why Should You Use Warm Transfer in Your Call Center?

Let us face it: How do you feel when you contact a call center, and your call is passed from one agent to the next? Awful, right? You feel like your time isn’t valued and hate the experience. Is it so?

What is even more annoying is when you are forced to repeat the same information to every agent you are transferred to.  Most likely, you will end the call and seek what you are looking for elsewhere.

So, if you operate a call center, you need to understand that callers hate the process of being transferred from an agent to the other “blindly.”

That is where warm transfer enters into play. Keep in mind that people love interacting with real human beings who can understand their needs.

In today’s automated world, it is the “human touch” that gives you a competitive edge over your competitors.

Warm transfers prevent the blind transfer of callers to agents, which improves the overall customer experience.

You have to speak with the next agent you will be transferring the caller to and provide them with every detail about the caller to make the conversation smoother and more productive.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of using warm transfers in your call center.

Understanding the Warm Transfer Process

Generally, there are two types of transfers that happen in call centers –cold transfer and warm transfer.

A cold transfer happens when you transfer a call to an agent without speaking to them first. It means the new agent doesn’t have any information about the caller.

In such a case, the new agent will be forced to ask the caller to resubmit their details and explain the reason for calling.

Contact center

However, warm transfer prevents this from happening because the new agent is briefed about the caller before the call is transferred to them. This is meant to prepare them for the conversation by providing relevant information.

A warm transfer is comfortable for everyone involved in the process. It is also simple and highly effective.

Why Should You Use Warm Transfer in Your Call Center?

So, what are some of the benefits of using warm transfer in your call center? Let us find out.

1. Customers Love Talking to Human Beings, Not Computers

Most of us have probably experienced the frustration of being forced to press a series of buttons to reach a human being who can eventually help us with our problem.

Typically, the IVR experience doesn’t deliver the same warm and fuzzy experience that real people do. Most IVR responses aren’t straight to the point, which may leave your callers feeling angry and confused.

Although the IVR is a fair process in the lead generation space because it aids the qualification process, you need to make it as flawless as possible.

A good IVR can save your call center agents a lot of time because they avoid talking to people who are not interested in your offer.

2. Better Customer Service

One of the biggest advantages of warm transfer is that it allows you to provide excellent customer service and create unmatched customer experiences for your callers.

By briefing the next agent before transferring the call, you take the burden of repeating information off the caller, which leads to a pleasant conversation. A significant number of callers will pick up your offer just for that alone.

The potential for more personalized and pleasant greetings also exists with warm call transfers. Imagine speaking to a call center agent you’ve just been transferred to, and they already know your name, account information, and the reason why you called.

That unique feeling of providing excellent customer service is what sets most businesses apart and one that warm transfer guarantees.

3. Only Answer Calls during Your Business Hours

Warm transfer calls are only available to your business call center during your designated working hours. Typically, you don’t have to rely on lead generation companies that send leads any time they receive them.

With performance-based calls, a live person on the phone will only transfer the caller to you if you are open and have the time to speak with the prospect.

warm transfer

If the prospect calls outside your designated business hours, they aren’t transferred to your call center.  This enhances productivity and convenience.

4. Eliminates the Risk of Misinterpretations

With a warm transfer, the next agent will always know what they should talk about based on the caller information passed to them.

This lowers the chances of misunderstandings and misinterpretations that may occur due to information mix up, as is in the case of cold transfer.

When you have the information fresh in your mind when you are dealing with the caller, there is a high probability that you will use the best sales pitch.

Having accurate and relevant information when engaging prospects is critical to establishing better customer relationships.

5. Warm Transfer Leads Are 100% Exclusive

Warm transfers eliminate the risk of dealing with non-exclusive leads because everything happens in real-time.

Once a caller is transferred to your business, he/she can never be transferred to another buyer or marketed elsewhere.

This is contrary to what most lead generation companies do. Most of these companies generate leads and sell each lead to up to eight different buyers.

However, with a warm transfer, the caller is holding on the phone, qualified, and willing to speak to you. Once the call comes through your business call center, it cannot be transferred anywhere else.

Bottom Line

With warm transfer pay-per-call services, you don’t have to worry whether your callers will convert or not. All you have to do is focus on making your offer better and watch results start to stream in.

If your business is ready to scale through pay-per-call marketing, then there is no faster and efficient way to do so than with warm transfer.

Talk to us today and let us help you set up a pay-per-call campaign that will help you scale effortlessly. Our entire team of pay-per-call experts is here for you, and you will love the results!