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Pay per call marketing

Pay Per Call: The Next Big Thing in Legal Marketing?

In 2009, the legal field in the United States officially became saturated. More than a decade later, a significant number of law firms are still feeling the heat, which has affected them in two major ways:

  • It is now much more difficult to acquire clients
  • There is fierce competition for the best and brightest talent.

We know how to solve the first problem.  A few years ago, legal marketing was much simpler, but the game has changed. This is the primary reason why traditional marketing strategies such as running print ads, TV commercials, and paying for billboards no longer achieve a better return on investment.

So, what is currently yielding results when it comes to law firm marketing? The answer is simple, online marketing strategies such as pay per call marketing.

I’ll explain everything in a moment, but first, let me take a few minutes to remind you of one of the most important things that matter.

We Are Living in the Mobile Era

Today, the most successful businesses out there understand the importance of mobile-ready marketing. Almost every marketing medium such as mobile apps, websites, and social media is designed with the mobile experience in mind.

Let me jog your mind a little bit with some statistics.

Did you know that more than 96% of Americans own a mobile phone? Out of this number, at least 81% of them own a smartphone. Research has also confirmed that an average American checks his/her mobile phones up to 52 times a day.

legal marketingMore and more people are using mobile phones

What does this tell you?

Your target audience spends most of their time online, and when they need an attorney, they simply head to Google and click through the web instead of browsing through Yellow Pages.

In fact, a significant number of people prefer to engage an attorney online because it is convenient and relatively easy.

The moment you consider all these facts, you start to realize the importance of online marketing.  Pay per call marketing is one of the most effective forms of legal marketing.

Let us take a moment and dive deep into what pay per call marketing for law firms is all about.

Pay Per Call Marketing: The New Game Changer in Law Firm Marketing Space

One legal marketing model that is gaining a lot of momentum is pay per call marketing and the concept is quite simple.

A pay per call advertising company such as PALO, runs online ad campaigns on behalf of your law firm and delivers live phone calls to you. When someone gets hurt or wants to file a divorce, they go online to look for legal advice and assistance. It is at this moment that your brand is pushed to them.

Typically, the person will be prompted to call a designated phone number to get legal assistance. In most cases, this number will reach an automated Interactive Response System (IVR) designed to verify the lead’s interest in your services.

Should the lead qualify, he/she is transferred to your office phone, so you could take over and convert the lead to a new case.

pay per call marketing

Qualified leads are transferred to your office phone.

Pay per call marketing is result-oriented, and you can easily track and analyze results to determine your return on investment.

One of the top reasons why these calls convert quickly to new cases is that the entire process is initiated only when the caller is actively looking for an attorney. When they go online to look for a lawyer who can help with their case that is when your ad is pushed to them.

Technically, these people are ready to start a conversation when they find the right attorney. Research shows that calls that come in from pay per call marketing campaigns are more likely to convert than leads that come in from other marketing channels.

The top three benefits of pay per calling marketing are:

  • Only pay for results.
  • You have control over the quality of the leads you get.
  • You can easily track and analyze results to determine your returns on investment.

The bottom line

Adding pay per call marketing to your law firm marketing mix may seem like a stretch but the results can be enormous. Since you are meeting potential clients where they are and when they need your services, chances of succeeding are quite high.